Nicholas (Nick) L. Wagner

Planetary Geophysicist and Occasional Geodesist


Welcome to my website! Here you can find links to all my social medias, CV, and other stuff I think is cool.

I’m currently finishing up my Ph.D. at Baylor University with Peter James and will be starting a postdoc this fall with Harriet Lau at Brown University.

I’m a firm believer in open and reproducable science and I aim to promote equitiable, diverse, and inclusive work practices in projects and groups I’m involved with.

selected publications

  1. Evaluating the Use of Seasonal Surface Displacements and Time-Variable Gravity to Constrain the Interior of Mars
    N. L. Wagner, P. B. James, A. I. Ermakov , and 1 more author
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2024